
Best Local SEO Agency Edmonton Alberta

10 Different Ways to Improve Your Local SEO Right Now by Best Local SEO Agency Edmonton Alberta

Marketing your business online can be a challenge, and if you’re not paying attention to your local SEO, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to improve your local SEO and attract more customers.  The majority of consumers use Google Maps or another mapping application to find a local business. This means that, if you don’t have a business listing on Google Maps, it’s a missed opportunity for potential customers.

The way local search works is simple: users enter the search term “pizza” into Google or another search engine, and they’ll see a list of businesses, including those with a local map and phone number.

  1. Do keyword research:

The first step to improving your Best Local SEO Company Edmonton Alberta Canada is to do keyword research. Figure out what potential customers in your area are searching for, and then make sure your website and online presence are optimized for those terms.  There are a number of ways to do keyword research, but a good place to start is Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool lets you enter a potential keyword and see how many people are searching for it each month. Once you’ve selected a few potential keywords, it’s time to start optimizing your website and online presence.

  1. Get Listed in Local Directories:

Another great way to improve your local SEO is to get listed in local directories. There are a number of online and offline directories you can list your business in, such as the Yellow Pages, Yelp, and Angie’s List. You can also try to get your business featured in local news articles, as well as on popular blogs in your industry. This can help to improve your visibility and search engine ranking.

Finally, make sure that your website is optimized for local search by including your city and state in your titles and tags, as well as in the content on your website.

  1. Claim Your Local Listings:

In addition to listing your business in directories, you should also claim your local listings. This means claimed your business on sites like Google Places and Bing Places. Claiming your listing allows you to add additional information about your business, such as hours of operation and payment methods.  This can help your local ranking in the search engines. You can also work to get a higher search engine ranking for your business. This can be done by making sure your website is well-optimized for search engines. You can make your site as easy to use as possible, and your content should be rich and diverse. If you do this, you will not only rank higher in search results, but you will also be able to generate more customers.

  1. Optimize Your Website for Local Keywords:

Your website can be optimized for local keywords to attract local customers. In your titles and meta descriptions, you should include the city and state names. You can also create local landing pages to target specific areas. Local SEO – Some customers prefer to shop locally for a number of reasons. For instance, if a customer lives in a particular city, they may be interested in local-specific products or services. To help these customers find your business, you should optimize your site for local keywords.

When your website is optimized for local customers, you can offer discounts to customers who shop locally, and you can notify customers of your local stores and businesses.

  1. Add Schema Markup:

Code called schema markup aids search engines in interpreting the content on your website. With schema markup, you can optimize your website for local search and make it easier for customers to find Best Local SEO Services Edmonton Alberta by making it easier for them to find you online. In order to achieve this, your content has to be better understood by search engines as a result of the contextual clues you provide them.

Your customers will thank you for adding schema markup to your website. It will allow search engines to index your content and display it in a much more useful way.

It’s worth noting that adding schema markup to your website is not just for SEO. In fact, it can be used to improve a variety of things on your website including helping visitors understand what your website is about.

  1. Get Reviews:

Local SEO relies heavily on customer reviews. Ensure that your website has links to Google My Business and other review sites for customers to leave reviews. Incentives or discounts can also be offered to customers to encourage them to leave reviews.

  1. Optimize Your Citations:

Citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number on other websites. The more citations you have, the better your local SEO will be. You can create citations by listing your business in directories and on business listings sites.

  1. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles:

Social media can be a great way to connect with local customers. Make sure your social media profiles are optimized for local SEO by including your business name, address, and phone number. You can also add links to your website and encourage customers to leave reviews.

  1. Create Local Content:

Another great way to improve your local SEO is to create local content. This can include blog posts, articles, and even videos about local events, businesses, and attractions. This type of content will not only help you attract local customers, but it will also help you build links and improve your overall SEO.

  1. Monitor Your Progress:

The final step in improving your Best Local SEO Agency Edmonton Alberta is to monitor your progress. This means tracking your rankings, traffic, and conversions. You can use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your progress and make changes to your strategy as needed.  For example, you may find that your organic traffic has decreased after making changes, and that a more focused strategy will get you more results.

Traffic to your website is a lot like real estate in that the value is determined by a number of factors. In this case, traffic equals people. In real estate, it means potential buyers and/or renters. For businesses, it’s potential customers. In the case of both, the value is determined by a few things: location, market, popularity of similar properties, amenities and so on.


These are just a few of the many things you can do to improve your local SEO. By taking the time to optimize your website and online presence, you can attract more local customers and grow your business.


10 Video SEO Tips To Improve Website Rankings, suggested by Local SEO Company Edmonton Alberta Canada

When using videos, most companies will gain a lot of new customers as people love to watch short clips on the Internet; however, many business owners put up videos and do not get the desired results. Luckily, with these ten tips, one can see their video do well and their website rise in the organic rankings.

1. Focus on the client: all too often, a company will create a video and take the proper steps to rank it well. However, many forget to create something that customers will appreciate. When potential clients like a video, they are likely to view it more than once and share it with their friends. Furthermore, with a quality video, one can see their conversion rates skyrocket. Without a doubt, before anything else, one must make sure to create a video that the customer will enjoy and share with his or her friends. Simply put, with this advertising method, quality matters.

2. Bad social: now, many will want to comment on the movie clip. When commenting, one may want to mention they enjoy the video or that they want to share it with friends. Speaking of sharing, a company must put Facebook and Twitter links at the bottom of the screen so visitors can share it with their friends. When website visitors link to the video, they will help the SEO efforts as search engines value them when determining organic rankings. Fortunately, an inexperienced person can, with ease, add social links. Without a doubt, this is a crucial step that one must not ignore as clients will love it when a website owner communicates with customers.

3. Keyword research: when creating website content, a serious business owner will perform keywords research. Now, many think that this is unnecessary for a video. Nothing could be further from the truth as one must also perform keyword research if they want see results. When using the right buzz words, one will see their video, and their website, rise to the top. Without a doubt, most overlook this as they feel it is an unnecessary step. Fortunately, a savvy business owner can take advantage of this by doing copious amounts of research before creating the video.

4. Script: most people do not know how to create a professional video. This is okay since a layperson can take a few steps to appear professional. One way to impress customers and search engines is to write a script and upload a transcript. With this step, one can remember to mention the main phrase early and often. With a solid and well-written script, one can watch as their video and Web page rise to the top of Google.

5. YouTube: when hosting a video, one should use the most reliable and trustworthy hosting website. Without a doubt, YouTube is the best choice for a small business owner who wants their video to gain viewers. With the site receiving millions of visitors a day, it is a no-brainer that a business owner must upload his or her videos to YouTube.

6. Site Map: most people understand how to create Video Site Map for their website. To get started, one should head to Google Webmaster Tools and look at their tutorial on creating a Video Site Map. Then, a website owner must create and upload the Video Site Map. Since most website owners do not do this, it is an easy step to take when a person wants to get ahead of the competition.

7. Links: when creating a video, most people forget to build links to their video. To gain valuable backlinks, a business owner should post their video on Facebook, Twitter and other people’s blogs. With a few backlinks from quality websites, one can see their videos rise in the rankings. Remember, just like with a website, one must get links from a variety of quality sources.

8. Keywords in post: now, when creating the video, one must post a short description. In this description, a business owner must make sure to use the keywords related to the video. When using the right words, one can see their page rise to the top of the leading search engines. Now, to take it further, one should aim for the same keyword density as a website. Remember, search engines crawl the keywords of a video and will rank it based on this factor.

9. Length matters: now, most people create a 30 second video clip and expect it to jump to the top of the search engines. While this is possible, a serious business owner must create a longer video that customers will enjoy. Ideally, a video should be a few minutes long as the search engines will have more data and keywords to crawl. Of course, this will depend on the product or service that the company sells. Remember, just like with content on a webpage, one should have plenty of information in a video.

10. Social bookmarking: now, when making a social bookmark, one will gain a link, and gain visitors who click on those links. Not only that, with a social bookmark post, one can rise in the SEO ranks. Fortunately, a website owner can post to dozens of available websites where he or she will gain a valuable link. Sadly, most people overlook this and do not see their videos rise to the top. For a savvy and hardworking business owner, this presents an opportunity to rise above the competition without much effort. Remember, most overlook social bookmarking as a way to gain visitors to their site, and this is a serious mistake.

With these 10 tips, one can see their videos rise to the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing. Fortunately, the average person should not have difficulty in following these ideas. Remember, when creating value and impressing the customers, one will see their video gain plenty of traffic.

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    Why chose us?

    Building SEO websites for trade and construction companies invites an extensive range of growth opportunities. This boosts their online performance and increases the quantitative strength of visitors on their landing pages.

    We have a creative and strategic analyst team of board to deduce optimal solutions in the construction marketing industry. You must have handled your own trade as of now but making it visible online through digital marketing campaigns is a boon to escalate its development.

    SEO for traders and builders is distinctive in the sense that it furnishes them with a national or even a global recognition. It allows them to transcend their local and geographical barriers and make a new benchmark of their own.

    In addition, apart from running successful web campaigns for your trade business, we also help concretizing you brand image in the online market. For this, our team of SEO experts conduct in-depth market analysis to recognize your potential of growth during the forecast period.

    How to Upsurge your Business with SEO Company Services

    There is no reason why should not consider fuelling your business with the services of a branded SEO company. Yet, we provide you with strong reasons to grow your trade business with us:

    Localize your Brand Media Campaigns

    As a grounded digital marketing agency, we furnish location-focused marketing algorithms and PPC campaigns to uplift your construction business. This helps your business procure suitable web traffic to accomplish feasible results.

    Amplify ROI with Effective Conversion Rate Optimization

    Our invaluable digital marketing company optimizes relevant conversion funnels to increase organic traffic for your trade business online. Our robust team of strategic analysts monitor your online sales to foster the longevity conditions of monetary profits.

    Build Online Brand Credibility

    We assist your trade business build an optimize credibility for their brands in this competitive market. Our SEO campaigns for construction companies approaches its target audience and appeals them to join hands with your lucrative endeavours.

    Impeccable Content Marketing

    We optimize your landing pages with unique content followed by enticing images, graphics and manageable template designs. This gradually aids boosting your annual sales and adds prospective clients to your trade business.

    In short, our SEO solutions for construction trade companies are comprehensive packages to drive online visibility for your business. Our aim is to upgrade your reputation to create a sense of trustworthiness between you and your clients.

    Our experience in this industry accounts to our confidence in offering SEO driven facilities for your trade business depending upon your current position in the market and the growth opportunities available to you.

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