
January 2020 Core Update

January 2020 Core Update: Stay Tuned!

Google has announced yet another core update this month. The company took to its twitter handle and spread the news of its latest core update. Google pushes up these algorithmic updates every few months or so in order to allow companies to assess their search engine ranks.

From Google’s Info Desk

The executive team at Google wrote, “Later today, we are releasing a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the January 2020 core update. Our guidance for such debates remain as we’ve covered before.”

The Current Roll-Out

Google launched its January 2020 core debate at 12:30 ET. After an hour of this update announcement, the company made it live on every data centre. “The January 2020 core update is now live and we will be rolling out to our various data centres over the coming days,” Google declared.

When Google Updated Last?

Previously, Google issued a core update in September 2019. However, this update fell short off impressing the digital marketers and SEO specialists due to its weaker core modules.

In addition, Google also launched a core update in November 2019 focusing on local search engine rankings. Know more about other Google core updates here.

Safeguarding your Business

In case these core Google update deplete your business rankings, you can follow the companies’ guidance to safeguard your business. Although, it does not play a substantial role in changing the past ranks, but the recommendations can help you improve your SERP in future.

How Google Updates are Relevant for Positive SERPs?

Google’s remarkable practice of launching timely core updates are essential for boosting or downgrading your SERPs. These ranks either reflect the changes you must have made to your website or specific amendments in Google algorithm combinations.

This January 2020 core update is expected to transform your ranking, for the better or worse. Don’t miss it.



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