It is crucial to use header tags that increase a page’s rankings, as well as to improve the user experience. When a visitor views a heading or subheading, a heading tag makes it larger and bolder.
The heading tags on a page reveal a page’s hierarchy for search engines. There are three main heading tags – H1, H2, and H3. Their importance determines their search engine optimization value.
Create a structure for your content
It’s easy to scroll through your regular daily newsfeed or blog feed when you’re online. Clicking on the article link to continue reading an enticing headline is a good idea. But finding yourself staring at a wall of text is an annoying experience. It takes you only a few seconds to click away and find another article about the same subject.
If you use the internet a lot, this is likely to have happened to you. The problem isn’t necessarily with the content, but with how it’s presented. Websites are generally scanned instead of reading word-for-word by users. Text that is large and engaging, as well as images that are well-designed, and easily digestible text is what they are looking for. You’ll lose many of your readers’ attention if your text can’t be scanned easily using smaller paragraphs and heading tags.
With heading tags, your content can easily be scanned and followed. Section and paragraph headings should accurately describe the content they will be reading. It should also be easy to find their way back if they scroll too far down or lose their place.
Improve accessibility
A heading tag is used to explain how a web browser should display content on a webpage. Because of this, they format your content in a way that makes it easy to read.
For people who have trouble reading screens, heading tags also provide general structure and readability. But how? The text on a screen might be read by a screen reader for visually impaired readers. Visually impaired readers can determine if they want to continue reading an article based on the headings in the article. Since headings are in HTML, reading or listening to them can provide a quick overview of a piece of information.
You can also jump to the next heading in screen readers. With good descriptive headings, you improve accessibility for people who are blind or visually impaired.
Boost your SEO
Google search results display page titles, but the H1 tags are the ones that are most vital to search engine optimization (SEO). As part of a user’s search, search engines analyze headings for relevant keywords. Your content is more likely to appear early in Google search results if your headings correspond to what people are searching for.
In spite of the fact that they no longer fool search engines as often as they used to, writing well-written page titles and H1 headers are still important.
Tags for headings make content more readable and visible
You can grab readers’ attention and retain their attention by organizing your content in a way that makes sense to them. Use heading tags to guide your audience through your content. The visually impaired may find it especially helpful to navigate your content and understand your points. Creating SEO-friendly, unique headings is easy and quick, so you should practice it as soon as possible.