Digital marketing is essential for building a successful business in today’s world, and it’s not a choice but a must-have. At, we offer excellent digital marketing packages that cater to your every need. Choosing the right digital marketing service provider is just as crucial as selecting the services themselves. Finding the perfect digital marketing pricing and package that aligns with your requirements can be challenging, but our packages are designed to cover your business’s digital marketing needs adequately.
Our primary focus is to provide all our clients with the necessary service-related help that leads to better business growth. Many people searching for great digital marketing packages also seek professional help with the same goal. To make it easier for you and consolidate all your digital marketing requirements in one place, we offer the following services:
We incorporate all the above factors and more into your existing marketing strategies to bring about maximum positive changes. Our affordable price packages are tailored to suit your needs. So go through the package-related information provided and choose the best one. Uplifting a small business is easy with professional and effective digital marketing support. Finding and implementing marketing techniques and utilizing opportunities that ultimately promote better business growth is the best way to leverage digital marketing services.
DIGITAL MARKETING PACKAGES | Basic - 1,50,000₹/Mo | Advanced - 2,50,000₹/Mo | Professional - 3,50,000₹/Mo |
Minimum Timeframe | 6 months | 6 months | 6 months |
Minimum Guarantee | 50.0% | 70.0% | 100% |
Initial Review and Analysis (Technical Audits) | |||
Keyword Research | 30 | 50 | 100 |
Duplicate Content Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Initial Rank Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
In-depth Site Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Broken link Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Penalty Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Backlink/inbound links analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Online reputation Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Social Metrics Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ORM Keywords Analysis | for 1 Keyword | for 2 Keywords | for 5 Keywords |
Competition Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Link Building strategy | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google & Bing Webmaster Tools | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Analytics Integration | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Check Mobile First Indexing Enabled | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mobile Responsiveness Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SSL Check & Recommendations Only | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AMP Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Site Favicon Check | Yes | Yes | Yes |
404 Page Creation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
A/ B Experiment Testing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Heat Map Integration & Analysis | No | No | Yes |
Conversion Setup | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Consulting & Strategy Development | Yes | Yes | Yes |
KPI Discussion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly Work Plan Discussion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
On Page Optimization | |||
Canonicalization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Voice Search Optimization (AI Based) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Featured Snippet Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Content Optimization | Upto 30 Pages | Upto 50 Pages | Upto 100 Pages |
Title/ Meta Tags Optimization | Upto 30 Pages | Upto 50 Pages | Upto 100 Pages |
Website Page Load Optimization (Desktop) | No | No | Yes |
Pages H tags optimization | Upto 30 Pages | Upto 50 Pages | Upto 100 Pages |
URL Structure optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Schema Mark-up Implementation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Robots.txt Creation/Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Image & Hyperlink Optimization | Upto 30 Pages | Upto 50 Pages | Upto 100 Pages |
HTML & XML Sitemap | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Internal Linking | No | Yes | Yes |
Title & Meta Tags Optimization | 10 Pages | 20 Pages | 30 Pages |
Bing Webmaster Tools Set Up (if not set up) | No | Yes | Yes |
HTML Site Map Creation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Optimization of robots.txt & Google Bot crawls | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Footer Optimization | No | Yes | Yes |
Website usability analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Check Header Status, Meta Robots, Google Cache of Pages | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Check Mobility Issues | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Custom 404 Page | Yes | Yes | Yes |
URL structure Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Pagination Tags Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
No Follow on External Links* | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Html Code Analysis of Target Pages | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Website Page Load Optimization (Desktop) | No | No | Yes |
Local Search Optimization | |||
GMB Listing | 1 Location | 2 Location | 4 Location |
NAP Syndication | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Citation Building/ Local Business Listing | 5 | 7 | 10 |
Classified Submissions | 5 | 10 | 20 |
Coupon Distribution | 2 | 5 | 10 |
Customer Review/Testimonial Submission | 5 | 10 | 20 |
Local Search Engine Submission | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Setting Geo Targeting in Google | Yes | Yes | Yes |
KML Sitemap | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Contact Address in Footer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Adwords (Per Month) | |||
Monthly Ads Spend | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Initial Estimate Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Recommendation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Text Ads | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Conversion Tracking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Campaign Management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PLA's/ Local Listing Ads | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google AdWords Management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Adwords Monthly Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Social Media Marketing (Per Month) | |||
Social Profile Creation/Bookmarking | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Social Media Profile Optimization | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Facebook Account Setup | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Facebook Cover Image | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Facebook Timeline Design | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Facebook Ads Management | upto $50 (included) | upto $100 (included) | upto $150 (included) |
Facebook Wall Updates | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Facebook Call to Action | Yes | Yes | Yes |
LinkedIn Account (Personal Profile) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
LinkedIn Profile Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
LinkedIn Company Page Creation | No | Yes | Yes |
LinkedIn Company Page Posting | No | Yes | Yes |
LinkedIn Company Page Images | No | Yes | Yes |
Social Media Optimization Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Online Reputation Management (Per Month) | |||
Phrases Targeted | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Search Positions Monitored | 1 to 10 | 1 to 20 | 1 to 30 |
Blog Posting | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Blog Promotion | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Company Profile Creation | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Social Bookmarking | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Article Posting | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Article Promotion | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Business Listing | 5 | 7 | 10 |
Customer Reviews/Ratings | 3 | 5 | 10 |
Development of Micro Sites | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Content Promotion (Company Profiles) | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Q&A Posting | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ORM Monthly Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Content Marketing and Link Acquisition - SEO (Per Month) | |||
Blog Writing | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Web 2.0 Profile Creation | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Guest Blog posting | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Guest Blog Social Bookmarking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Forum Posting | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Informational Article Writing & Submission | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Article Social Bookmarking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Press Release Writing & Distribution | No | 1 | 1 |
Premium PR Distribution | No | No | 1 |
DOC / PDF Submission | 1 | 1 | 2 |
PPT Creation + Distribution | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Image / Pinterest Submission | 2 | 5 | 8 |
Infographic Creation & Distribution | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Video Marketing (Per Month) | |||
YouTube Channel Creation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
YouTube Keyword Research | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Video Title/ Description Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Video Tags/ Channel Tags Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Embedding Videos in Articles/Blogs | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Social Sharing of Videos | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Embedding/Sharing Videos on Q&A | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Video Submissions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Video Marketing Monthly Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog Optimization | |||
External Blog Setup | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog Optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog RSS Feed Submission | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog Directory Submission | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Project Reporting | |||
Weekly SEO Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly SEO Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Weekly PPC Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly PPC Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Weekly SMM Reportt | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly SMM Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Weekly Google Analytics Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly Google Analytics Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Data Studio Dashboard | No | No | Yes |
Quarterly Performance Presentation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customer Support | |||
Email Support | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Chat Support | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Phone Support | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Skype Support (Video Call) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated Chief Marketing Officer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
24 Hours Consultation Support | No | No | Yes |
Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now | |
We offer a broad range of digital marketing packages categorized into three types of services to cater to every possible need. Our Basic, Advanced, and Professional digital marketing service packages come with different pricing and inclusions. Each package focuses primarily on a specific digital marketing requirement. Please go through all the information provided to understand the level of impact and changes that each package includes.
Our team of professionals takes on the responsibility of completing keyword research and working towards page speed improvement, which is essential for driving a significant amount of traffic. We also provide on-page optimization services that result in visually appealing outcomes and smoother functionality. Our customized digital marketing packages are expertly designed to include tasks such as image optimization, creating high-quality content, maintaining an ideal keyword density, and other such factors.
Monitoring the performance of your website is crucial for quality maintenance. Identifying gaps properly is essential for this purpose. Therefore, a digital technical audit is vital to focus on the correct and most impactful areas that require immediate attention.
Google AdWords, also known as Google Ads, is a fantastic way to use digital marketing to promote your website. By appearing on relevant websites and various apps, ads can effectively attract visitors. We make every effort to ensure that your e-commerce site gains the desired level of popularity through Google Ads, which effectively showcases your products and services. Our experienced team delivers services actively to help you witness a positive growth in website visibility.
Blogs play a crucial role in driving traffic to websites and are a significant SEO service that successfully attracts many visitors. A blog post with well-placed keywords grabs readers’ attention and can encourage them to visit the website. Therefore, businesses that plan to expand their operations must keep their website and regular blog posts updated. We offer effective blog optimization services that are suitable for your website’s needs and ensure that your webpage enhances brand visibility among your target audience.
Video is considered one of the most engaging techniques for communicating with the target audience and advertising information about a brand in a detailed manner. Video marketing presents product and service content beautifully, making it easier to understand. This technique promises great positive output and is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to communicate information about a brand. Our digital marketing packages include affordable prices for various video marketing services. With our experienced and professional services, it is easier to improve your business website’s overall search engine ranking.
In the current digital age, a business’s web presence and image play a crucial role in determining its potential. That’s why it’s essential for every e-commerce website to build a distinct brand image that people can recognize. We offer ongoing management and support services to take care of your website’s online reputation management. This is a critical point since audience perception has a direct impact on building a strong brand image.
Establishing a unique web presence for a business website is crucial and can be achieved through local SEO. This technique offers a better chance of improving the website’s online presence. Our affordable local SEO services are designed to increase the visibility of your website, with our team of professionals striving to rank your web pages highly on search engine results pages. This is the most effective way to drive revenue to your site.
Before you decide to choose our services, it’s important to understand all of the features and benefits that we can provide. Take the time to review each of the factors we offer, so that you can fully appreciate the unique and professional services that we provide.
We care about our clients and their experience with us, as well as their company’s success. That’s why we make every effort to position your business for success. Providing you with a dedicated account manager is a key step in avoiding communication gaps. This individual is focused on achieving your business goals and is available to communicate whenever needed. At our agency, we don’t just see clients as numbers, which sets us apart from other agencies.
When you opt for our website marketing services, you will also receive a thorough competitor analysis. If you are investing in PPC and SEO, your dedicated account manager will conduct a detailed evaluation of your business competitors, enabling you to identify potential opportunities for your marketing strategy.
We provide customized strategies for all our internet marketing packages, whether it is web design, social media, or SEO. Your dedicated account manager will work with you to identify your goals and even analyze your competitors to create a personalized campaign that suits your business needs. So, you don’t have to worry about a thing.
There are several digital marketing packages available, and our dedicated account manager will not make decisions based on random figures. Instead, they will analyze industry-specific data and competitor performance to make informed decisions. We believe that data-driven techniques lead to the best marketing strategies, and therefore, we ensure that all the important data is taken care of.
We believe that transparency is essential, which is why our digital marketing packages include monthly reporting. This allows us to discuss the marketing techniques used and review the performance of the strategies implemented. We present these reports in an easily accessible manner, making it simple for you to share them with company leaders.
Neyox is committed to maintaining a high client retention rate and industry-leading client recommendation score. Our dedication to client satisfaction has been demonstrated time and again in various situations, thanks to the support of our experienced professionals and our commitment to putting the client’s requirements at the top of our priority list.
We have years of experience in digital marketing, and at, we offer you decades of expertise that can help you succeed in your company’s online marketing strategy. Our extensive experience has also enabled us to develop a unique ability to adapt and stay ahead of new Internet marketing changes.
When selecting a digital marketing package, you can be confident that will provide you with the necessary support. Our ultimate goal is to achieve client satisfaction and growth. We make every effort to increase your website’s visibility to your target audience. Choosing our digital marketing services provides you with the benefits of our proven expertise in this field. Our services, such as social media marketing and Google Ads, can have a significant positive impact on your business growth. Technical support from industry experts is essential to unlock your business’s full potential. Therefore, it is better to choose a digital marketing company with significant experience and a successful track record. Selecting any random digital marketing service in India can be detrimental to your business. Therefore, use your analytical skills when selecting these services, as you may overlook essential factors otherwise. Please review all the package details provided here.
Neyox believes in full scientific analysis. Checking out the facts and validation of the information, are two backbones of a systematic SEO site. We present everything based on the viewer’s point of view. When values and approaches catch the attention of the viewer, it acts as an SEO-friendly site. Our professionals always involve themselves in top-quality analysis.
Ethics are the things what is very important in business. Ideology always matters in the case of both online and offline businesses. Our ethical approaches are appreciated by the search engine itself. A true businessman is who never let a chance go to learn from other’s mistakes and implement the corrections on himself. Neyox takes every step cautiously to build the brand.
Acceptance of new things is the quality of a good SEO service provider. Our actions are flexible and appropriate according to the situation. We always welcome new thoughts and changes with a positive open mind. The advanced and updated SEO techniques of Neyox will surely help your site to be in the spotlight.
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